Preparation FAQs

We will send a formal checklist close to the time of your flooring delivery to help you prepare, however this page should provide some useful information to consider in advance.
We’re very flexible with delivery dates, so if you decide you need to postpone a delivery, this is easily accommodated. The most important aspect is that you are ready to receive your luxury wood flooring, and so we work closely with you to achieve this for smooth installation.
Moisture testing
Please check that your home is as close to ‘lived in conditions’ as possible before the flooring arrives. It must be warm, and well ventilated. If installing during the winter months, we advise heating to have been running for 2-3 weeks prior to delivery of your wood flooring. Builders & carpenters will carry a moisture tester that we advise checking against our moisture table, sent out two weeks prior to delivery.
Doors and windows
It is vital that you have doors and windows installed on the property before your wood flooring arrives.
Wet building works
All wet building works must be dry throughout before the arrival of the flooring.
Acclimatising your boards
There is no need to acclimatise your boards, as we deliver them at 10% +/-1 moisture content, which is ideal for the UK lived in home. We don’t advise storing your boards indoors for any longer than 5 days before laying as long as our checklist conditions are met.
Storage of your flooring
Please do NOT store your luxury wood flooring outside or in a shed/garage. The Coppice & Crown team will liaise with you in the run-up to your delivery date, and if you aren’t able to store your boards inside and lay them straight away, we can alter the date to meet your needs.
Oils and Fixings
We strongly advise getting all of your oils, finishes and fixings prior to the flooring arriving. We have numerous options which we can recommend depending on your project.