We’re going to be asking our very own Tom Bedford some questions to help resolve the myths around using solid wood flooring over underfloor heating.
Tom has held seminars at the Home and Renovation Show on the topic and is a depth of knowledge when it comes to discussing your wood flooring over underfloor heating. With underfloor heating becoming more and more popular as a primary source of heating in the house, we’ve found that approximately 75% of our customers choose to lay their solid wood flooring in this way.
We send across a checklist prior to each flooring delivery to make sure your home is at the right environment ready to use our solid wood flooring over your underfloor heating as well as offering guidance and advice throughout your ordering process.
How much experience does Coppice & Crown have providing wood flooring over underfloor heating?
Over about 75% of our clients lay our flooring in conjunction with underfloor heating systems. With over 40 years experience, Coppice and Crown can advise on laying your floor over underfloor heating, helping provide a solution to many home heating scenarios.
“My Parents, the founders of UK Hardwoods ltd (previously Bedford Timbers), Steven and Jonathy Bedford, first installed water based underfloor heating under our Oak flooring 40 years ago in our family home. A beautiful warmth spreads itself up through the boards warming your feet gently. 40 years later, and I have recently laid electric underfloor heating in our barn conversion, under Coppice & Crown flooring of course.”

So, would you advise me to use wood flooring over underfloor heating instead of a radiator?
It’s up to our customer of course! We find we’re always fighting a small battle against misinformation into hardwood flooring and it’s relationship with underfloor heating. So many believe you can’t have solid wood flooring if using underfloor heating. Whereas the truth is, we actually prefer people to use this method of heating, as it gives a low even heat distribution across the entire floor, as opposed to radiators.
If you are going to use wood flooring over underfloor heating, we have various diagrams and methods in our resource centre which are industry preferred and easily adapted to your home. We’re also always free to talk to either you, your builder or your underfloor heating fitter.
So why do so many people believe you can’t use solid wood flooring over underfloor heating?
It is a common misbelief that solid wood flooring can’t be used over underfloor heating that has been exaggerated by cheaper fast process firms, that then go on to market engineered or laminate flooring. Many customers, who have since chosen our flooring, were previously afraid of the boards ‘warping’ over time. Warping only occurs as a result of 2 scenarios; High moisture conditions when laying, due to building works still drying, or a fast drying process at the beginning of the floorboards life, (tree to floorboards phase). Neither of these will be an issue for any of our customers as we send you our checklist prior to delivery to check all your moisture contents.

What is the solution to this at Coppice & Crown?
A slow drying Process of the tree to floorboard is essential and mitigates against any stresses which may occur as a result of quick drying. Our process here can take over 2 years from tree to board. Time which consists of; 12-18 months air drying, 2-3 weeks kiln drying, acclimatised in shed of 10% moisture content before orders are prepared. For this latter point, we don’t expect people to acclimatise the boards in their home before laying, as we have acclimatised them already to typical house conditions. All we specify is that the sub floor and walls are completely dry when laying, and after.
Does underfloor heating result in cracks in the flooring?
No, not at all. If the air humidity of our home is kept fairly neutral (this is between 30-60% RH relative humidity) then you shouldn’t experience any cracks within the flooring at all. It’s only if the floor surface is heated to that of about 30 degrees and over, that the air humidity would drop below 30%, coupled with poor aftercare of the timber and neglect minor cracks might be seen. 30 degrees would be an uncomfortably hot environment to walk and live in.

So it’s easily possible to have a warm toasty room, AND wood flooring?
Easily. If you follow our guidance, and ask us questions, we’re always happy to help with any questions relating to underfloor heating. We’ve only included photographs in this post of our wooden floors when used over underfloor heating. Using a low level of heat under your boards is a tried and tested method of heating your home which we hope you can enjoy.
Give us a call or an email to discuss the use of your wood flooring over used underfloor heating. We have an array of samples to send you, or you can come to our sawmill/ showroom to discuss your wood flooring dreams further.