A sustainable wood flooring can be the final finish in your home designs. A lot of our customers are in the midst of building projects and renovations and although always aware of sustainable products on the market, it’s easy to overlook the significance of using a locally grown floor in your home. Locally grown doesn’t have to mean originating from a tree growing on the doorstep of a customer, but the closer you can get, the better for all. Local in today’s economy can mean anything from a neighbouring country or even continent. There are so many words used to mask the distance that some products travel before they arrive in your home. The phrase ‘locally grown’ has been misused greatly, and so we are here to help put some trust back into the term.
Local to us means anything around the South-West of England. Most of our trees are purchased from our neighbouring county Cornwall, or from our own county Devon. We do look further afield for prime oak trees and buy from Gloucestershire and Hereford quite often as well as Somerset for our sustainable wood flooring. A member of our team here at the yard always inspects our trees before we purchase them. By keeping this local we not only help ourselves but also you and the planet.

The social benefits of keeping things local and is a huge consideration when we’re buying our trees for your sustainable wood flooring. We’re able to have relationships with Estates and managed woodland owners that otherwise wouldn’t exist. We have the same understanding of the topography and land that the trees grow on having grown up in the rolling hills of Devon ourselves. When we buy trees, it’s less of a transaction, and more of a friendship between the two parties involved. We like to stay in touch with all the different places we’ve bought trees from and aways offer our sawmill as a friendly and approachable space.
Once the trees arrive at our yard, that’s it- they stay. There is no other part of the process in which they travel apart from to the final destination of a customers home or building project milled into our sustainable wood flooring. We don’t send any of our boards over to Europe for special heat treatments or to Asia for gluing, as many of these ‘local’ engineered floorboard manufacturers do. If you ask us where the whole process from tree to floorboard took place, it will always be here in Devon. It’s not that this just applies to our flooring, it applies for every piece of our timber in the yard.

As we don’t send our floor boards away, we know how they are treated as well as the team that process them. We treat each board with the care and respect that it deserves and reflect this ethos with our workforce too. In keeping our process local, we’re able to offer work to the best local minds. We have a fun but focused workforce who enjoy each process of creating a sustainable wood floor for our customers.
All of our timber is local, but it’s easy to forget all of the infrastructure that surrounds us and all of the extra bits and pieces we use on a daily basis. Where possible we buy locally from suppliers and use nearby contractors to help provide all the essential of a locally gown floor. It’s not just about convenience, but instead is about building a network of trustworthy business’ that we can then pass on for customers to use too. We’re with you every step of the way on your journey to choosing a sustainable wood floor.

Our customer base spreads across the UK, and some of our longer distance deliveries to Scotland or Derby will have been the furthest our boards have ever travelled. We keep things to a minimum distance here which allows customers from further afield to find us and buy us with confidence knowing that they’ve purchased one of the most sustainable flooring choices available. Our locally grown flooring is guaranteed to have been grown, milled, seasoned and machined here in our workshop in Devon giving you peace of mind for an important flooring based decision.